Law of Ukraine “On Copyright and Related Rights”
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On approval of the size, order and terms of remuneration (royalty) payment for commercial use of published for commercial purposes phonograms, video, their copies and recorded performances in them” of January 18, 2003 N 71
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On approval of the minimum rates of remuneration (royalty) for the use of objects of copyright and related rights” of January 18, 2003 N 72
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “About State Registration of copyright and contracts concerning the copyright for a work” of December 27, 2001 N 1756
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “About the size of contributions to the funds of the creative unions of Ukraine for the use of literary and artistic works” of March 3, 1992 N 108
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On approval of Rules of retail of copies of audiovisual works, phonograms, videograms, computer programs, databases,” of November 4, 1997 N 1209
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On approval of provisions on the distribution of copies of audiovisual works, phonograms, videograms, computer programs, databases,” of October 13, 2000 N 1555
Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works
World Copyright Convention (Revised)
The Decision on nonprofit organization